要访问这些文档, 你必须首先阅读并接受美光的电子保密协议. 如果接收方与沙巴体育安卓版下载有书面保密协议. 您需要点击本页底部的“接受”, 但书面保密协议的条款将适用.
在线保密协议这是您或您所代表的公司(各为“收件人”)与美光科技之间的法律协议, 公司. (“mti”),声明管理发布到micron网站或通过micron网站提供的信息的机密性的条款和条件. 在点击页面底部的“接受”之前,请仔细阅读本保密协议(“协议”). 点击“接受”,即表示收件人同意接受本协议条款的约束. 如果接收方不同意本协议的条款, 按“拒绝”键,收件人将无法访问机密信息.
1. 书面保密协议. If Recipient and MTI have entered into a written confidentiality agreement ("Confidentiality Agreement") that is in effect as of the date Recipient enters into this Agreement and such Confidentiality Agreement already applies to and governs the 机密信息 (defined below), then the terms of such Confidentiality Agreement shall apply to and govern Recipient’s obligations concerning such 机密信息 and not the terms of this Agreement.
2. 机密信息. "机密信息" means any information or data posted to or made available through MTI’s secure website that is (i) marked or labeled as "Confidential" or "Proprietary" or with similar designation, 或(ii)理性人知道该等信息为机密信息的性质. 保密信息不包括:
(i) is proven by Recipient through competent evidence to rightfully have already been in Recipient's possession at the time of disclosure without an obligation of confidentiality;
3. 披露目的及使用限制. 机密信息 is dis关闭d hereunder strictly for the purpose of Recipient’s internal evaluation and/or to assist Recipient in the implementation of an MTI device or product into a commercial product ("Purpose"). Recipient shall use the 机密信息 solely in accordance with the terms of this Agreement to accomplish the Purpose and shall make no further use, 全部地或部分地, 保密信息.
4. 保密. 接收方同意保护机密信息, 使用至少与保护自己的机密和专有信息相同的谨慎程度, 但无论如何都要小心谨慎. 接收方不得透露, 向员工以外的任何人发布或传播机密信息, 代理, contractors and consultants (collectively "Representatives") who have a need to know the information in order to accomplish the Purpose and who are bound by a written agreement that prohibits unauthorized disclosure or use of 机密信息 on terms no less restrictive and protective than those contained within this Agreement. 接收方将对其代表违反本协议条款的行为负责. 接收方可以在法律要求的范围内披露机密信息, provided Recipient shall promptly notify MTI in writing of such requirement to dis关闭 and Recipient shall cooperate with MTI’s efforts to protect the 机密信息. Recipient shall notify MTI promptly in writing in the event of any disclosure 保密信息 which is not authorized under this Agreement.
5. 反馈. 尽管本协议中有任何其他规定, 如果收件人提供任何想法, 就保密信息向MTI提出的建议或建议(“反馈”), MTI可以自由使用并将此类反馈纳入MTI的沙巴体育结算平台中, 无需向接收方支付特许权使用费或其他对价, 只要MTI不侵犯接受方的专利, 版权或商标权的反馈.
6. 副本. 接收方不得复制任何机密信息,除非为执行上述目的而严格必要. 任何副本必须与原件一模一样, 不可修改, 并应视为MTI的财产.
7. 没有许可. 没有保修. 除非在此明确规定, 本协议未授予任何专利许可, 版权, 掩模作品, 或者商标, 外之意, 禁止反言或其他. 任何此类许可必须由MTI以书面形式明示. 所有保密信息均为MTI的财产,本协议不限制MTI使用, 以任何方式披露或传播该等机密信息. 保密信息“按原样”披露,不作任何形式的陈述或保证,包括, 但不限于, 沙巴体育安卓版下载准确性的任何陈述或保证, 保密信息的完整性或实用性.
8. 保密义务的终止. 本协议自接收方点击“接受”之日起生效.尽管本协议终止, 本协议的规定应自每次披露保密信息之日起持续五(5)年. MTI may terminate this Agreement at any time in its sole discretion upon written notice to Recipient (including such notice transmitted through this secure MTI website or via electronic mail to Recipient).
9. 归还机密资料. 在MTI提出书面请求后的十(10)个工作日内, 由MTI决定, 接收方应向MTI返还或证明保密信息已销毁,包括, 但不限于, 接收方创建的包含保密信息的硬拷贝和电子文件以及所有材料.
10. 适用法律和律师费. 本协议受美国爱达荷州法律管辖.S.A.,排除其法律冲突原则. 接收方特此同意对因本协议引起的任何争议接受爱达荷州法院的属人管辖权. 在任何诉讼中, 由本协议引起的或与本协议有关的诉讼或程序, 胜诉方有权获得合理的律师费和由此产生的合理费用.
11. 出口. 接收方同意保密信息, 或其任何部分, 不得出口或再出口, 直接或间接, 以任何形式, 除非符合美国法律.S. 《沙巴体育安卓版下载》及其他适用的出口管制法律法规.
12. 禁令救济. Recipient acknowledges and agrees that disclosure of 机密信息 in violation of the terms of this Agreement will cause irreparable harm to MTI for which monetary damages would not be an adequate remedy. 因此, 接收方同意, 除了MTI可用的任何其他补救措施之外, 发生任何违反或可能违反本协议的行为, MTI有权获得禁令救济,接收方放弃任何与此相关的保证金要求.
13. 无默示放弃. MTI未能或延迟行使其在本协议项下的任何权利,除非以书面形式明确放弃,否则不构成对该等权利的放弃.
14. 一般. 本协议:
(ii)不得被解释为创建任何合资企业, 本协议各方之间的合伙或其他形式的商业联合;
(iv)应符合双方的利益并对双方具有约束力, 他们的继任者, MTI的受让人及接受方的获准受让人;
及(v)只以英文撰写, 哪一种语言在各方面都应受控制, 本协议的任何其他语言版本对双方均不具有约束力.
15. 授权签署. 点击“接受”的个人即进入本协议并以个人身份(1)访问保密信息, and hereby agrees that he or she shall be personally liable to MTI if 机密信息 is dis关闭d or used in a manner not authorized by this Agreement, 或(2)代表雇主或其他实体, and hereby represents and warrants that he or she has full legal authority to bind such employer or entity to this Agreement and that such employer or entity shall be legally bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement as Recipient hereunder. 如果机密信息是为雇主或实体提供的, 但你没有法律权力这样约束雇主或实体, 那就不要访问, 视图, 读, 或以任何方式下载机密资料, 不要点击“接受”."
为了审查文件,你方必须接受保密协议. 如果您不接受这些条款,请选择“拒绝”以退出此菜单.